Monday, March 26, 2007

What's in a Name?

Hoo boy! This'll be a doosey!

I have needed to blog for some time and update my flickr site.... lol but no time....:D

So the back room in done and we are moved out. (pictures will be provided) There is a bit of lingering residue of stuff rejected by my wife's aunt I need to get but we're essentially done. I still have taxes to do and class work to catch up in and preparation for a killer vacation to come. Oh and signing up for summer semester.... Blah.... and maybe time for myself. LOL!

All these things aside an interesting thing has been observed this week. Heather my wife went in for Laproscopic surgery this last Thursday to remove an ovarian cyst. It was originally the week before but was delayed due to fever from a sinus infection. Things went great. The cyst was drained and all that went well. What was discovered that we didn't know before was Endometriosis. Don't worry she's fine and every thing's okay, but that's my point isn't it? Give it a name and it strikes horror into you.

Later I was looking up endometriosis online and Heather asked what I was looking up so I told her. She started getting panicky because her sister had endo and was prevented from having kids because of it. I calmly explained as I did before about what it was and how we were just fine and still able to have kids. After talking about it with me and a bit with my family she's okay, but this still amazes me how a name can change everything. Let me give you another example.

I was in at a routine check up for a sinus infection and the Dr. informed me besides the sinus stuff I had this and the symptoms were that ,I would get tired and the cure is to rest, and it would periodically reoccur. They call it a disease of all things which is so DUMB. Oh gosh! don't let me get ti--...zzzzzzzzzzz.

But here's the name....Mono. *gasp!* Suddenly everything jumps to mind how it totally leaves you waisted, stuck with you the rest of your life, the kissing disease, etc. etc. But just LOOK at the symptoms! how dumb and silly is that!? It's all in the Name.

Names are powerful.

So when you watch Lion King and Timon and Pumba are going off about the warthogs lack of appeal due to flatulence and the part comes in,"I gotta change in my name!""Oh what's in a name?!" You'll know.